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“Content is fire; social media is gasoline.”

–Jay Baer, Bestselling Author, Marketing Expert and Founder of Convince & Convert

Greetings and Salutations!

Welcome to my blog, here we talk and discuss all about digital marketing trends and updates. Also how it affect everyday lives as a student who migrated from a developing country to first world country.

I hope you enjoy it here, grab a coffee to make yourself comfortable

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IMC, The Key in Achieving Success

In this day and age, all organisation have to understand the importance of social media. Thus, they incorporate their marketing strategies by using different social media. However, one problem that businesses might face a lack of consistency, inconsistent messaging and irregular marketing. Which integrated marketing communications come into play. Understanding IMC Integrated marketing communication (IMC)…

Internet of Things has Consumed Mankind

Okayy.. I wouldn’t say that IoT has consumed mankind per se, but we are all definitely dependent on it. This blog would uncover the meaning of IoT and point out the cons/ dangers they posses What is IoT? IoT (internet of things) refers to any physical devices connected to the internet collecting and sharing data.…

Mobile Marketing – Beginners Guide

Are you reading this blog on a mobile device? If you are, believe it or not, you are already interlinked with mobile marketing. Now in 2021, there are over 3.8 billion of the population using mobile device or smartphones. The number will increase by 72% and consumers will solely use smartphones for accessing the internet.…

Hi there!

My Name is Phoebe Ng with a Management major who has a passion in learning more about digital marketing

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